Fort Stanton Cave Study Project
Fort Stanton Cave, an extensive limestone cave in central New Mexico, is the third-longest cave in the state of New Mexico. Many cavers, including some from the Colorado Grotto, have been exploring its passages for over 50 years and continue their explorations and study as part of the Ft. Stanton Cave Study Project. Expeditions are week-long affairs and are run in the Spring, Summer and Fall. For more information, visit their website . Driving directions from Denver to the BLM Bunkhouse are here.
Lechuguilla Exploration and Research Network
An independent organization of cavers coordinating exploration, survey and study of Lechuguilla Cave in Carlsbad Caverns National Park, New Mexico. Expeditions are limited to 12 persons; pre-registration is required. Yearly membership fee of $10; expedition fees; newsletter published.
Contact Chris Andrews.
Williams Canyon Project
Exploration and survey of the caves of Williams Canyon near Manitou Springs, Colorado, including the commercially operated Cave of the Winds. One day work oriented trips are held most weekends October through April. An official project of the National Speleological Society. Contact Our Williams Canyon Rep.
Black Hills Project
Exploration, survey and inventory of Wind and Jewel Caves, South Dakota. An official Colorado Grotto Project. Trips are announced at monthly Colorado Grotto meetings throughout the year by authorized trip leaders; group housing provided by the National Park Service. Small fees, individual meals. Trips may be limited in size so pre-registration is required. Contact Our Black Hills Rep.
For current information about Caving at Wind Cave, click here.
For current information about Caving at Jewel Cave, click here.